If you're stuck in job-search mode and can’t seem to land your next gig, your strategy is probably all wrong.
Job searching can be a long, dragged out process but it doesn’t have to be.
One of the best ways to help you land a job faster is to use the 70/20/10 Model.
I love using this model to help job seekers reposition their strategies and completely rethink the way they’re spending their time job searching.
Here's how the 70/20/10 Model breaks down:

Spend 10% of your search time Applying
Spend just 10% of your time applying to jobs online and tailoring your resume. That’s it.
While applying may seem like the best way to lock in your next role, it lacks your highest probability for success in actually landing a role because:
A) the applicant tracking system (better known as ATS) operates like an abusive lottery system, leaving you sitting around just waiting and hoping to be selected.
B) the amount of time it takes to actually apply (save the job description, tailor your resume to the job description, research the company, then hit "submit") compared to the actual results of landing an interview equals extremely low ROI results.
C) applying gives you significantly less control.
Spend 20% of your search time Researching
Equipping yourself with the right information from valuable sources is key to a successful job search.
Research is about seeking out new, quality information from non-human sources. This includes learning about jobs, industries, professionals and companies that interest you.

Spend 70% of your search time Networking
Networking is where it’s at, people. I can’t stress this enough!
Networking is the most valuable and strategic way to go about a job search because it's putting you in the driver's seat face-to-face with potential opportunity.
Unlike applying, there is no waiting around when it comes to a networking conversation. By taking the time to connect 1-on-1 with professionals who work in the jobs, industries and companies you’re most interested in, you're putting yourself into the spotlight (and inevitably broadcasting to the world "hey, I'm worthy of a great job!"
To sum it up: It's important to take the time to intentionally learn from and build genuine relationships with the people who are building teams and hiring in the spaces you most want to be in. This is where trust builds. And this is where overtime, as connections form, people will be advocating for you for new jobs that open up on their teams.

Ali Goodin Certified Career Coach in Central FL
I'm a former Disney employee, graphic designer turned career coach, and job transition expert. I created Ful Life Coaching to give professionals of all ages & stages a safe space to navigate career transition. My passion is equipping professionals with the tools and confidence they need to transition in their careers – from launch to retirement – so they can live happier, healthier lives.